Tech Know World

m.i.l.k. Digital ID

m.i.l.k. Digital ID

To aid in the recovery of missing children, the m.i.l.k.® (Managing Information on Lost Kids) Digital ID was designed to provide parents and caregivers a convenient location to store a digital photo and identification information regarding their children.

If the proper criterion is met, the local authorities will initiate an Amber Alert. In the event of a national search, this photo and identification information can then be broadcast to over 17,600 police departments and the vast database of NCMEC Poster Partner Program members.


Xamarin, C#, SQL. The software uses Web API to communicate with a remote server to download splash screen and verify agents information. Available in Windows UWP, iOS, and Androids.

Apps were developed using Feature Driven Development Methodology under VSTS.

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